RUMOR: T-HAWK in ‘Super’ Street Fighter IV ?

In an interview a Capcom Unity staff member responded to a question from Pinetar80 asking the team if we’d see new information on Super Street Fighter 4 this weekend by stating:

No. But [maybe] Monday.


There’s already 25 playable characters on the select screen.  Where do they plan to place the extra character(s)?  I’m assuming since there’s going to be a Super Street Fighter IV (DLC I hope) what new characters will be also coming along for the ride?

Who are your guesses? (Character name (Story/playable-first appeared in SF)
My personal wants are Charlie (Gulie’s military buddy /SFII), Adon (Sagat’s student /SFA), Eagle (hired to kill Sagat /SFA), Makoto (challenged Ryu to restore her dojo/SFIII ), Oro (trained Ryu in his Martial Arts style/SFIII ), Necro (in a search for Gill/SFIII), Yang & Yun (SFA), Dudley (searching for Gill over a stole antique car/SFIII).  There’s a few more players I want to see, but those are the main ones.