PSN is down *Update*

I haven’t been able to get online for almost an hour. I am also hearing from other bifuteki members and followers that they too cannot connect. The and Playstation blog sites are down as well. Could there be a change being cooked up for the Playstation site and Network? Only time will tell.

*Update. It seems that only PS3 Slims are only able to get on to PSN.

4 responses

  1. I think the system is down because they're fixing the holes to prevent other hackers from getting into the network. I don't think there will be any new changes, I just think they're securing their network..

  2. Not everyones affected, I've been on mag for most of the day

  3. Daniela Avatar

    I think the system is down because they're fixing the holes to prevent other hackers from getting into the network. I don't think there will be any new changes, I just think they're securing their network..

  4. Not everyones affected, I've been on mag for most of the day