WTF Gamers!?!: Nintendo Wii Black

All right everyone welcome to this segment of “WTF GAMERS?!?!” It is a segment based on certain situations in the gaming society. Today’s subject is based on the new COLOR Nintendo Wii. It would not be fair to say “New Nintendo Wii” because it is not new just has a different color. Since the new color is out people are going nuts because of the different color, however if you have the system already is it logical to go for the new color?

Thanks to Adam Sessler of G4’s Feed back for bringing this subject on people buying a console just because of a different color, when they already have the same system. In my opinion it is a waste of money just to go crazy for a system you already have just because it is in a new color. Why do I care you ask? Because it is more too it than just wasting your money, but if you really care about the look then modify it yourself. a Lot of sites fore example where you have a lot of selections for skinns or design your own and send it too them. There are heavier modifications but that is for the extreme enthusiast.

On another note do you really want to feed the industry more of your money just because they changed their colors? As my comrade Andre stated that he wanted a black Wii and I know many of you wanted the other colors they showcased when the Wii was called the “Revolution” so I can understand that….to an extent. I say this to my fellow people that understand this rant, DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT SHOVE YOUR MONEY INTO INDUSTRIES THAT SHINE A PRETTY LIGHT IN YOUR FACE, THEN TRY TO SELL YOU THE SAME SHINING LIGHT BUT IN A DIFFERENT COLOR! We need to take a stand and have the industry work on things that are worth paying for. Seriously post your thoughts on what you really want done on systems that can actually benefit gamers and gives us reasons to spend our money. If you feel I am wrong then please say so, I would not mind hearing your thoughts bring it!

All right gamers it is Friday and time to celebrate the weekend and for you Mothers out there Enjoy your Sunday, as always stay frosty!