Transformers: War For Cybertron: First Look @ Demo

I actually awaited the release of this game since the fall of last year, now we’re nearly 2 weeks away from the release date 6/22/10…. The only parts available are The Conquest Mode and The Team Death match. What makes both interesting is as follows:

The only plus that I’ve noticed so far in the customization process on this demo it the limited amount of guns and power-ups that are available in the game. Since this is a demo, there are only two class robots to choose from in the game: The Scout class (small speedy robots) and The Soldier class (the brawler robots).

Each class carries primary and secondary weapons along with a few tricks up their sleeves. For instance, The Scout class can use the plasma cannon/null ray sniper/energon battle pistol/scatter blaster. The Soldier class weapons are the EMP shotgun/Thermo rocket launcher/M12 scrapmaker mini gun/neutron assault rifle. All weapons are collectible and interchangable when an opponent has been destroyed on the battlefield.

In Conquest Mode, it acts like “Capture The Flag” you have 3 nodes marked in alphabetical order which each team of 5 players (maximum) can attain and protect the only flaw is that with one soldier/scout (only 2 classes available) the time of capture takes longer than with 2 or more players…

In Team Death match Multiplayer, you still have the same classes to use with their weapons (cannon/rocket launcher/machine gun/sniper rifle/shotgun) and their vehicle weapons too (Scouts = mini guns in car mode, Soldiers = Cannons in tank mode).

The plus to these games is that the teamwork availability has some good merit. The transformation is a bit smoother unlike in the last games. You won’t have to worry too much about holding buttons while in vehicle mode. The aiming reticle is better when strafing during combat. The other good thing is that you can switch between classes during each game which makes the challenge more interesting for every player to choose how they want to fight.

There are a few hang-ups in the game that I noticed during my time playing. For instance, you cannot just choose to pull out your melee weapon. when you click the right stick it makes it seem like a rising attack be it by sword or mace. The the other thing I noticed it that the double jump in robot mode isn’t quite as effective as it is in vehicle mode. The control for driving seems a bit loose when driving and attacking.

In each game there’s some energon cubes and ammo lying around near certain entrances, I do have to admit that the respawning of these items takes a minute during combat which can be annoying as well. The biggest hangup I have are the grenades and special robot abilities. Each warrior is allowed only two grenades…not a fair advantage in combat. The only way you can get another one is after respawning. In the area of special abilities, The scouts have a cloaking ability is good for when you’re in a pinch but it doesn’t last very long. The same goes for the whirlwind attack by the soldiers. The other thing is that the camera won’t allow you to see your robot’s front view during the battle which is a definite minus. What should have been added that would be nice would’ve been a HUD to let you know who’s on the field in front or behind each warrior.

I think this is the most anticipated game since the Transformer game made for PS2 as a Japanese import. The graphics are very good and High Moon did a great job on the scenery for both factions. I think that this is a well worth game in the realm of third person shooters.