WTF GAMERS!?!: Sequels

Welcome everyone to this week’s “WTF GAMERS!?!” topic is “Sequels”, the topic has been on the tongues of a lot gamers for a while. The reason gamers have been complaining about sequels is because they don’t seem to feel like sequels at all; more like DLC or expansions. In my opinion it has been like that for years and gamers need to stop the bitchin’! I have heard each and everyone of your cries and sorrows about playing games and not being satisfied, but this is my rebuttal for all of you.

I ask you to travel as far as you can remember when you picked up your first keyboard or controller to play whatever game that made you waste a lot of your childhood away. A time before DLC and expansion packs that were not connected to the net. Let’s take Super Mario Bros., a simple 8-bit platformer, whose sole objective was to go from point A to point B.  Trying to find that damn princess, who’s always in always in a different damn castle. The same deals went on with the sequels, until Super Mario Bros. 3 where I felt was a true sequel with new items and somewhat of an RPG feel, where you could save your powers or find magical items to get across levels.

Its now 2010 and we have a lot of convenient DLC, meaning everything can be accessed or sent through the net. Games these days don’t always need sequels so soon anymore. However, you know what does piss me off? The fact that the consumer has a need for something new, while a small group of real gamers enjoy what we currently have and rather just have the developers keep giving us the DLC/expansions. The short attention span of the average gamer is disappointing. As my final thought shut the hell up and enjoy what you got, some of these developers cater too much to what you want and you all still aren’t satisfied. Stay frosty gamers!