Philly – Where to eat? What to do?

So some of the Bifuteki crew is heading to Philly for a Street Fighter tourney and although I’m not playing in the tourney, I planned on going so I can eat and shop and just get away from the city.

So my question is what should I do or where should I eat?

I know we plan on hitting up the two rival Philly Cheese places, but what else is there to do in Philly?

2 responses

  1. Amazonagent Avatar

    I don't know were you'll be in the city but when I visit my friend that lives in center city there is this fantastic gellato place called Capogiro. The one I've been to is on 119 South 13th Street Philadelphia, PA. It's heavenly! ^_^

  2. Well we are driving out there. Sooo we could go there Friday. Thanks Amazon