For Penny-Pinchers: 3 Games On The Cheap

If your budget has been tight you may have decided to pass on buying some great gaming titles last year. But if you have the means now there are 3 great games that are available at some really good prices right now that you should grab right away. First up is Bioshock 2 which has been out since last year and is a great game that is normally priced at $20 but this week has even lower for $13. Another game that just went into Greatest/Platinum Hits status is Borderlands which is on sale for $16. And finally with the announcement of Mafia II’s repackaging of the game but with all the previously released DLC at a budget price of $30, you can opt to pick up just the original disc content for $15. If you haven’t played any of these titles yet I’d say now is a great time to add them to the collection!