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It is that time once again for a new Supremacy MMA video featuring some killer moves. If you have no idea what is going on, I would suggest you obtain some knowledge before proceeding. The good news is you have a talented game reviewer here to give you the knowledge about this upcoming Mixed Martial Arts title and the above video shows off the bloody mayhem you will endure or cause against opponents. I hope you enjoy and please check back later for more on this hot title; stay frosty gamers!
3 responses
underrated, and I cant understand why. I was able to just sit down and play
this game and have fun. It was that simple. I also was able to develop some
real skills on it. In other words, I could play this game for fun or I could
play this game for the skill and truly put time and effort into it to get even
better. Its rated M, it’s a really brutal game but that’s exactly how all fighting
games should be. Def worth buying
HAHA I couldn’t believe IT. I snapped my cousins arm at the
end of one our matches, it was so Heinous. This game is a must buy. Subs are
nasty as hell and knocking someone out with thee Jens Pulver is in all honesty
the greatest. This game is a must buy. I can’t wait for it to come out for the
PSP this year. Did I mention Hot Fem on Fem action ;] I’LL ALLOW IT!
game play in Supremacy is fun, haven’t stopped playing, even though my lil bro is beatin my ass everytime so far. Game
dynamics are smooth and the career mode is a notable feature as your
fighter progress’s after each suspenseful bout.