Linus & The Feel Good Factory

Linus has determined to make people feel good (or bad) through his industrious attempts to photograph himself with props and paper cut-outs artworks, with or without quirky expressions.

Starting his humble photographic career with 2 series of Flickr’s “365” daily photo projects, Linus has honed his talent expanded dramatically, while expanding his wardrobe of costumes and paper cut-outs. He has been invited to take part in various projects, including acting as art director for a Poubelle International CD cover and music video, and a tailor-made Carton Owl for U Mag’s Harry Potter-land cover.

Aiming for fame, glory, power, money, status and sexual conquests through meandering through fantasy and reality, Linus hopes that you will help him achieve his nefarious goals.

Absolutely in love with this!  I love the fact there was a Wizard of Oz reference.  Not to mention his ideas are brillant.  Check out his Facebook page. I wonder where he’s based.  I would love to visit his studio.