[Review] Awesomenauts

Awesomenauts came out this week but I’m already hooked.  Right off the bat, I loved the Awesomenauts theme song.  After that kick ass theme song, there is a quick run down of the game, with a cut scene (which I enjoyed which is rare, I tend to skip them if I just wanna get to the game).  However when I saw this cut scene, I liked how they implemented the skipping of the cut scene.  Instead of just hitting a button you had to hold it, there has been oh so many times when I’ve skipped a cut scene by accident and not been able to come back to it.

At the start of the game you are launched out of a rocket down to the map.  On the way down you can grab some extra cash to get “swag” (upgrades).  On the map there are a set of turrets that you have to destroy on your way to main core.  What I liked about the maps that I have played is that there is more than one way to the main core.  Along the way to the main core you are given drones.  The drones, help shield you from the turrets and help you defend your own turrets as well.

There are a a bunch of characters you can unlock, however my favorite is one of the characters unlocked for you right from the beginning, a space cowboy named Clint.  I think I like him so much because of  his perks, like his Rushing Bull and his dynamite.  But it seems that there will be more characters coming, perhaps as DLC?

There is definitely a learning curve with this game because you get matched up with other players that are not on the same level as you are.  So its a bit hard to go and kill people when you’re a Lvl 11 and someone else is a Lvl 16, it might not seem like a big different but if they have a certain character with really good abilities and perks unlocked destroying the other team’s base gets pretty hard. It’s also important to note that you can only access new characters at certain levels. the better the character the higher the level unlock.

I think the one thing that I wish that Awesomenauts was more than 3 vs 3, I would have liked maybe 5 vs 5, but I see the reasoning behind 3 vs 3 due to the size of the map but having those two extra players would be nice. The game does feature a ‘Practice Mode’ which is a great way to learn all the different characters abilities as well a help you get familiar with the different maps.

Overall, it’s a buy and if you have PSN+ it’s free!!!