“Bee and PuppyCat” is a very popular original cartoon created by Natasha Allegri. In it, Bee, an out-of-work twenty-something, has a life-changing collision with a mysterious creature she names PuppyCat (“A cat?… or maybe a dog?”). Between space and time, Bee and PuppyCat take on an intergalactic babysitting gig to pay another month’s rent. Now, you can help Bee write a happy ending for PuppyCat’s tale of betrayal, intrigue, and magical sparkle transformations.
Amassing 4 million views since its July release, the original 10-minute cartoon stands as a favorite among animation fans the world over (watch it again, why don’t you http://youtu.be/lOG_UtLxh58 ). Now, overwhelmed with your emails and comments asking for more adventures of Bee and PuppyCat, we want to produce a Bee and PuppyCat series exclusively for our YouTube channel, Cartoon Hangover. But they need our help!!
KickStart here. I personally love this series and its just one episode in, maybe its cause I follow Natasha’s Tumblr, or have been a long time fan, I don’t know but its definitely something people should check out. I kickstarted the $100 option.