Harmonix Kickstarting ‘Amplitude’ Reboot


This is great news to read, since I have never played Amplitude but have heard nothing but great things about it. I am more than certain they will reach their goal and beyond very quickly!

Harmonix Music Systems launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund one if its most requested games, a reboot of the 2003 controller-based rhythm action game, Amplitude™!

Planned for PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Harmonix aims to update this cult classic title for modern game consoles with higher-fidelity visuals, new music, and more!

“Bringing Amplitude to modern consoles is something we’ve been dying to do for ages,” says co-founder and CEO Alex Rigopulos, “and our earliest fans have been pleading for this for a decade. We’re hopeful that Kickstarter and the support of the community will allow us to finally make this dream a reality.”

“We think this type of synesthetic, audio-visual experience is perfect for modern consoles, widescreen high-definition televisions, and killer surround sound systems,” adds Ryan Lesser, Project Lead for the upcoming title and Art Director for the original 2003 Amplitude. “We’re positive that gorgeous, updated visuals running at 60 frames per second, an updated soundtrack, and other new features are going to be blow people’s minds.”

Folks that wish to help make an Amplitude reboot a reality can head over to the Kickstarter page for more details.

I just backed this project and so should you! We are fans of Harmonix here at Bifuteki and can’t wait to play this!