TwitchCon Keynote Recap


Missed Emmett Shear’s TwitchCon 2015 keynote address? We’ve got you covered.

These are the new features, products, and improvements coming at you this fall and beyond.

Twitch App for PlayStation

This fall we’ll be launching a full-featured Twitch app for you on PlayStation. You can use our new apps to access all the games and broadcasters you love, across Vita, PS3 and PS4.


Twitch is for all gamers

Whispers 2.0

This October, your whisper conversations are getting a makeover! No need to worry that your whisper was lost in global chat. Whispers now live in their own individual docked windows alongside a comprehensive list of all your whisper conversations. And it gets better. Whisper conversation history will be saved forever. Stop and start your whisper conversations whenever you please.



Twitch is social

Create a Video Playlist

Coming soon: Create a playlist featuring your favorite past broadcasts and highlights. Turn your channel into a 24/7 viewing experience where your fans can watch and chat about your content whether you’re live or offline.



Twitch is 24/7

New and Improved Video Experience

And that’s not all. We have even more improvements to video coming your way!

  • Customizable thumbnails for your past broadcasts and highlights
  • A full HTML5 video player
  • The ability to upload your own videos directly to Twitch

We wouldn’t be able to do this without you, our viewers and broadcasters. THANK YOU for helping us take Twitch to the next level.

[via Twitch]